JAPAN A TICKING TIME-BOMB: Watch Independent Scientists Discuss HAARP and Tectonic Radiation War That Was Initiated With FUKUSHIMA

NOTE: To read fascinating investigative (and speculative) report on the Japan Earthquake, with some truly shocking conclusions about what really happened at the Fukushima Plant, I encourage you to go here: http://losingfreedom.org/2011/05/28/did-the-dimona-dozen-murder-the-fukushima-50/

This is the kind of information that simply does not get “out there” on the mainstream media. So I am making this all available to you right here.

NOTE: President of TEPCO admits it may take NINE MORE MONTHS to contain all six reactors that apparently are reportedly MELTING DOWN in Fukushima. How many of you heard this on your mainstream news stations? I know I haven’t. To learn more, watch the below video. And I suggest that you watch it in its entirety, before it, like most other videos like this, are rendered incapable of being shared on Youtube.


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