
Author Archives: Rob Mann

Ever Heard About The ‘Illuminati’ Card Game From 1995?

If not, I invite you to take a look at the card below, and then consider the Japan Earthquake / Tsunami / Nuclear Catastrophe: The Illuminati Card Game suggests that the Japan Earthquake was possibly pre-planned – As unbelievable as that sounds.

Specifically: The “Combined Disaster” card of the Illuminati Card Game could serve as evidence that the Japan Earthquake disaster was planned to bring down Japan. They had combined disasters as shown in the card (below), e.g Earthquake-Tsunami – Nuclear power plant radiation leakage. And the 8.9 earthquake started at 2:47 local time, which also matches the “Combined Disaster” time on the clock shown in the card (See for more information on this).

“Illuminati” is a stand-alone card game made by Steve Jackson Games (SJG), inspired by The Illuminatus Trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea. The game has ominous secret societies competing with each other to control the world through sinister means, including legal, illegal, and even mystical. It was designed as a “tongue-in-cheek rather than serious”[1] take on conspiracy theories. It contains groups named similarly to real world organizations, such as the Society for Creative Anachronism.[2] It can be played by two to eight players. Depending on the number of players, a game can take between one and six hours. source wikipedia

It is amazing to consider the fact that the game, released in 1995, shows many images of disasters that occurred after 1995. Take a look at yet another card, issued well before the disastrous events of 9/11. As you can see, the card below shows the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center being taken down is one of the most shocking of all, especially in light of the fact that this game first hit the specialty stores in 1995! In fact, this card accurately depicted the World Trade Center attack in great detail by illustrating several facts regarding the events of 9/11. The picture accurately depicts:

* That one tower was going to be struck first; this picture accurately depicts the moments between the first tower strike and the second.

* The card accurately depicts that the place of impact is some distance from the top of the twin towers. The plane hit in this approximate area of the first tower. How in the world could Steve Jackson know this fact?

* The card accurately depicts the Illuminati leadership by showing on the building to the extreme left of the card the Illuminist pyramid with an all-seeing eye in the middle.

* The caption at the top properly identifies the perpetrators of the attack as “terrorists”

However, what does the caption to this card mean? It says, “Terrorist Nuke”. Now, what could this possibly mean? The Twin Towers were not destroyed by a terrorist nuclear device, or were they?

In Bali Blast, the scientific data suggested that the hotel was taken down by a micro-nuclear device of about 0.10 kilotons . One can only ask: was a micro-nuclear device used at the base of the Twin Towers as well? That kind of small, but nuclear, explosion would account for the sudden manner the reinforced concrete and steel shell simply crumbled into dust as it fell. That kind of nuclear explosion would also explain the tremendous heat that stayed at “Ground Zero” for several months after 9/11.

Pentagon – Unless one had advanced knowledge of the Illuminati Plan, there is no way on earth that they would have been able to create pictures in 1995 that accurately depict the unfolding events of 9/11! The Pentagon is shown on fire; we know that a plane allegedly flew into a section of the Pentagon and nearly burned that section completely. However, the rest of the Pentagon was undamaged to the point where its functions continued unimpeded.

Isn’t this the situation depicted here? This card shows a fire burning mightily in the center courtyard of the Pentagon, but the rest of the building looks undamaged enough so that normal activities could continue unimpeded!

Thus, these two cards literally depict both of the strikes of 9/11: against the Twin Towers first and then against the Pentagon. This kind of accuracy 6 years before the attacks is possible only if one knows the Illuminati Plan very thoroughly.

What is even more eerie is the latest set of cards that were released seem to now be happening before my very eyes. A friend of mine just ordered the latest edition and I will be commenting on these cards soon. What other types of disasters might the Illuminati have planned for us? In the card game we find the following: Tidal wave, Oregon disaster (type not stated), hurricane, volcano, combined disasters, and meteor strike, just to name a few. Are you ready?

If you are intrigued and would like to explore further, watch this video below – This shows the 1995 cards, referenced above. Peace, Rob Mann

Parts of this article sourced from

Dear Readers: For many months now I have been warning all of you to beware of the many Dooms-Day Scenarios flying around social media sites like Facebook. Recently, Severe Weather Forecaster Dutchsinse retracted some of his own mistaken beliefs about the ability to know the time and date of any ‘end-of-the-world’ scenario (to hear him speak about this, go here):

Please know that this blog will always provide supportive evidence whenever possible to back up any articles tinged with Conspiracy Theory overtones. Remember, many conspiracy theories are now proven to be conspiracy facts, acknowledged by even the mainstream media – 14 of those are discussed here:

So look for evidence before going into a panic, and beware of the hype! Peace, Rob Mann

2012: No Killer Solar Flare
by IAN O’NEILL on JUNE 21, 2008

We could be in for a huge firework display in 2012. The Sun will be approaching the peak of its 11-year cycle, called “solar maximum”, so we can expect a lot of solar activity. Some predictions put the solar maximum of Solar Cycle 24 even more energetic than the last solar maximum in 2002-2003 (remember all those record breaking X-class flares?). Solar physicists are already getting excited about this next cycle and new prediction methods are being put to good use. But should we be worried?

According to one of the many Doomsday scenarios we have been presented with in the run-up to the Mayan Prophecy-fuelled “end of the world” in the year 2012, this scenario is actually based on some science. What’s more, there may be some correlation between the 11-year solar cycle and the time cycles seen in the Mayan calendar, perhaps this ancient civilization understood how the Sun’s magnetism undergoes polarity changes every decade or so? Plus, religious texts (such as the Bible) say that we are due for a day of judgement, involving a lot of fire and brimstone. So it looks like we are going to get roasted alive by our closest star on December 21st, 2012!

Before we go jumping to conclusions, take a step back and think this through. Like most of the various ways the world is going to end in 2012, the possibility of the Sun blasting out a huge, Earth-damaging solar flare is very attractive to the doomsayers out there. But let’s have a look at what really happens during an Earth-directed solar flare event, the Earth is actually very well protected. Although some satellites may not be…

The Earth has evolved in a highly radioactive environment. The Sun constantly fires high-energy particles from its magnetically dominated surface as the solar wind. During solar maximum (when the Sun is at its most active), the Earth may be unlucky enough to be staring down the barrel of an explosion with the energy of 100 billion Hiroshima-sized atomic bombs. This explosion is known as a solar flare and the effects of which can cause problems here on Earth.

Before we look at the Earth-side effects, let’s have a look at the Sun and briefly understand why it gets so angry every 11 years or so.

The Solar Cycle

First and foremost, the Sun has a natural cycle with a period of approximately 11 years. During the lifetime of each cycle, the magnetic field lines of the Sun are dragged around the solar body by differential rotation at the solar equator. This means that the equator is spinning faster than the magnetic poles. As this continues, solar plasma drags the magnetic field lines around the Sun, causing stress and a build up of energy (an illustration of this is pictured). As magnetic energy increases, kinks in the magnetic flux form, forcing them to the surface. These kinks are known as coronal loops which become more numerous during periods of high solar activity.

This is where the sunspots come in. As coronal loops continue to pop up over the surface, sunspots appear too, often located at the loop footpoints. Coronal loops have the effect of pushing the hotter surface layers of the Sun (the photosphere and chromosphere) aside, exposing the cooler convection zone (the reasons why the solar surface and atmosphere is hotter than the solar interior is down to the coronal heating phenomenon). As magnetic energy builds up, we can expect more and more magnetic flux to be forced together. This is when a phenomenon known as magnetic reconnection occurs.

Reconnection is the trigger for solar flares of various sizes. As previously reported, solar flares from “nanoflares” to “X-class flares” are very energetic events. Granted, the largest flares my generate enough energy for 100 billion atomic explosions, but don’t let this huge figure concern you. For a start, this flare occurs in the low corona, right near the solar surface. That’s nearly 100 million miles away (1AU). The Earth is nowhere close to the blast.

As the solar magnetic field lines release a huge amount of energy, solar plasma is accelerated and confined within the magnetic environment (solar plasma is superheated particles like protons, electrons and some light elements such as helium nuclei). As the plasma particles interact, X-rays may be generated if the conditions are right and bremsstrahlung is possible. (Bremsstrahlung occurs when charged particles interact, resulting in X-ray emission.) This may create an X-ray flare.

The Problem with X-ray Solar Flares

The biggest problem with an X-ray flare is that we get little warning when it is going to happen as X-rays travel at the speed of light (one of the record breaking 2003 solar flares is pictured left). X-rays from an X-class flare will reach the Earth in around eight minutes. As X-rays hit our atmosphere, they are absorbed in the outermost layer called the ionosphere. As you can guess from the name, this is a highly charged, reactive environment, full of ions (atomic nuclei, and free electrons).

During powerful solar events such as flares, rates of ionization between X-rays and atmospheric gases increase in the D and E region layers of the ionosphere. There is a sudden surge in electron production in these layers. These electrons can cause interference to the passage of radio waves through the atmosphere, absorbing short wave radio signals (in the high frequency range), possibly blocking global communications. These events are known as “Sudden Ionospheric Disturbances” (or SIDs) and they become commonplace during periods of high solar activity. Interestingly, the increase in electron density during a SID boosts the propagation of Very Low Frequency (VLF) radio, a phenomenon scientists use to measure the intensity of X-rays coming from the Sun.

Coronal Mass Ejections?

X-ray solar flare emissions are only part of the story. If the conditions are right, a coronal mass ejection (CME) might be produced at the site of the flare (although either phenomenon can occur independently). CMEs are slower than the propagation of X-rays, but their global effects here on Earth can be more problematic. They may not travel at the speed of light, but they still travel fast; they can travel at a rate of 2 million miles per hour (3.2 million km/hr), meaning they may reach us in a matter of hours.

This is where much effort is being put into space weather prediction. We have a handful of spacecraft sitting between the Earth and the Sun at the Earth-Sun Lagrangian (L1) point with sensors on board to measure the energy and intensity of the solar wind. Should a CME pass through their location, energetic particles and the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) can be measured directly. One mission called the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) sits in the L1 point and provides scientists with up to an hour notice on the approach of a CME. ACE teams up with the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) and the Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO), so CMEs can be tracked from the lower corona into interplanetary space, through the L1 point toward Earth. These solar missions are actively working together to provide space agencies with advanced notice of an Earth-directed CME.

So what if a CME reaches Earth? For a start, much depends on the magnetic configuration of the IMF (from the Sun) and the geomagnetic field of the Earth (the magnetosphere). Generally speaking, if both magnetic fields are aligned with polarities pointing in the same direction, it is highly probable that the CME will be repelled by the magnetosphere. In this case, the CME will slide past the Earth, causing some pressure and distortion on the magnetosphere, but otherwise passing without a problem. However, if the magnetic field lines are in an anti-parallel configuration (i.e. magnetic polarities in opposite directions), magnetic reconnection may occur at the leading edge of the magnetosphere.

In this event, the IMF and magnetosphere will merge, connecting the Earth’s magnetic field with the Sun’s. This sets the scene for one of the most awe inspiring events in nature: the aurora.

Satellites in Peril

As the CME magnetic field connects with the Earth’s, high energy particles are injected into the magnetosphere. Due to solar wind pressure, the Sun’s magnetic field lines will fold around the Earth, sweeping behind our planet. The particles injected in the “dayside” will be funnelled into the polar regions of the Earth where they interact with our atmosphere, generating light as aurorae. During this time, the Van Allen belt will also become “super-charged”, creating a region around the Earth that could cause problems to unprotected astronauts and any unshielded satellites. For more on the damage that can be caused to astronauts and spacecraft, check out “Radiation Sickness, Cellular Damage and Increased Cancer Risk for Long-term Missions to Mars” and “New Transistor Could Side-Step Space Radiation Problem.”

As if the radiation from the Van Allen belt wasn’t enough, satellites could succumb to the threat of an expanding atmosphere. As you’d expect, as if the Sun hits the Earth with X-rays and CMEs, there will be inevitable heating and global expansion of the atmosphere, possibly encroaching into satellite orbital altitudes. If left unchecked, an aerobraking effect on satellites could cause them to slow and drop in altitude. Aerobraking has been used extensively as a space flight tool to slow spacecraft down when being inserted into orbit around another planet, but this will have an adverse effect on satellites orbiting Earth as any slowing of velocity could cause it to re-enter the atmosphere.

We Feel the Effects on the Ground Too

Although satellites are on the front line, if there is a powerful surge in energetic particles entering the atmosphere, we may feel the adverse effects down here on Earth too. Due to the X-ray generation of electrons in the ionosphere, some forms of communication may become patchy (or be removed all together), but this isn’t all that can happen. Particularly in high-latitude regions, a vast electric current, known as an “electrojet”, may form through the ionosphere by these incoming particles. With an electric current comes a magnetic field. Depending on the intensity of the solar storm, currents may be induced down here on the ground, possibly overloading national power grids. On March 13th 1989, six million people lost power in the Quebec region of Canada after a huge increase in solar activity caused a surge from ground-induced currents. Quebec was paralysed for nine hours whilst engineers worked on a solution to the problem.

Can Our Sun Produce a Killer Flare?

The short answer to this is “no”.

The longer answer is a little more involved. Whilst a solar flare from out Sun, aimed directly at us, could cause secondary problems such as satellite damage and injury to unprotected astronauts and blackouts, the flare itself is not powerful enough to destroy Earth, certainly not in 2012. I dare say, in the far future when the Sun begins to run out of fuel and swell into a red giant, it might be a bad era for life on Earth, but we have a few billion years to wait for that to happen. There could even be the possibility of several X-class flares being launched and by pure bad luck we may get hit by a series of CMEs and X-ray bursts, but none will be powerful to overcome our magnetosphere, ionosphere and thick atmosphere below.

“Killer” solar flares have been observed on other stars. In 2006, NASA’s Swift observatory saw the largest stellar flare ever observed 135 light-years away. Estimated to have unleashed an energy of 50 million trillion atomic bombs, the II Pegasi flare will have wiped out most life on Earth if our Sun fired X-rays from a flare of that energy at us. However, our Sun is not II Pegasi. II Pegasi is a violent red giant star with a binary partner in a very close orbit. It is believed the gravitational interaction with its binary partner and the fact II Pegasi is a red giant is the root cause behind this energetic flare event.

Doomsayers point to the Sun as a possible Earth-killer source, but the fact remains that our Sun is a very stable star. It does not have a binary partner (like II Pegasi), it has a predictable cycle (of approximately 11 years) and there is no evidence that our Sun contributed to any mass extinction event in the past via a huge Earth-directed flare. Very large solar flares have been observed (such as the 1859 Carrington white light flare)… but we are still here.

In an added twist, solar physicists are surprised by the lack of solar activity at the start of this 24th solar cycle, leading to some scientists to speculate we might be on the verge of another Maunder minimum and “Little Ice Age”. This is in stark contrast to NASA solar physicist’s 2006 prediction that this cycle will be a “doozy”.

This leads me to conclude that we still have a long way to go when predicting solar flare events. Although space weather prediction is improving, it will be a few years yet until we can read the Sun accurately enough to say with any certainty just how active a solar cycle is going to be. So, regardless of prophecy, prediction or myth, there is no physical way to say that the Earth will be hit by any flare, let alone a big one in 2012. Even if a big flare did hit us, it will not be an extinction event. Yes, satellites may be damaged, causing secondary problems such as a GPS loss (which might disrupt air traffic control for example) or national power grids may be overwhelmed by auroral electrojets, but nothing more extreme than that.

But hold on, to sidestep this issue, doomsayers now tell us that a large solar flare will hit us just as the Earth’s geomagnetic field weakens and reverses, leaving us unprotected from the ravages of a CME… The reasons why this is not going to happen in 2012 is worthy of its own article. So, look out for the next 2012 article “2012: No Geomagnetic Reversal“.

Leading image credits: MIT (supernova simulation), NASA/JPL (solar active region in EUV). Effects and editing: myself.




Story below by Eric Blair

Activist Post

My first thought upon hearing the news of the rare 5.9 magnitude earthquake in Virginia this week was that it was not a natural occurrence. After all, no one has ever felt or even heard of such a powerful temblor happening in this area in a lifetime. As is usual for my cynical instincts, I hoped that I was wrong. However, several anomalies indicate that something is not normal with the Virginia quake.

Image source – Enterprise Mission

First, I spend a lot of time in the “Ring of Fire” zone and have experienced numerous earthquakes. By no means does this make me an expert, nor scientifically qualified to analyze earthquakes. But, as enthusiasts, we looked up every quake we felt over a five-year period — the size, epicenter location, depth, and so on, to get a general sense of placing how it “felt” relative to the official data.

I can categorically state that, of the dozen or so earthquakes that I’ve experienced, including a powerful 6.2, all of them started gently, none of them were over 50 miles away, all of them had depths of several kilometers, and the big ones seemed to have multiple aftershocks reported. Again, I say this as an observer, not as a scientist, and I’m only providing this background simply to qualify my immediate skepticism.

Furthermore, curiously, the “Great Virginia Quake of 2011,” unprecedented in size and scope, should have grabbed the media headlines and discussion for weeks, but Hurricane Irene has all but wiped the earthquake off the weather map. Even as all the storm measurements for Irene show that it will likely be a minor nuisance, maybe some flooding and power outages, multiple states of emergency have been declared, mandatory mass evacuations ordered, and the media is all too eager to spread the panic. You’d think the east coast of the United States was being invaded. It feels like a distraction, or perhaps a large but manageable live drill of some kind to make heroes out of our politicians, and FEMA look like a successful agency.

If this manic and surreal coverage of Irene is a deliberate distraction, the anomalies regarding the recent earthquake may have provided sufficient motivation for doing so. Not to discount other establishment catastrophes that they may want to distract from at this critical time — like the crumbling economy, record political disapproval, and the bungled invasion of Tripoli — but, if any discussion about the unusual nature of the earthquake was allowed one must ponder if some sort of manipulation was involved. The establishment will not permit such talk, apparently; hence the rapid about-face on earthquake coverage.

Below are six abnormalities about the Virginia earthquake that should warrant further investigation:

Location: The location is the most obvious anomaly for such a powerful quake. Although the area of the U.S. where the earthquake initiated sits on the edge of an ancient tectonic plate called the Craton Plate, it is considered a relatively dormant or settled area. In other words, it’s not a very active earthquake zone. Therefore, any noticeable earthquake is unusual, let alone a 5.9 monster that was reportedly felt 500 miles away. Furthermore, if one is inclined to believe that earthquakes can be manipulated, the epicenter occurring close to Washington D.C. (with all its sensitive military and government infrastructure) raises some suspicions. Admittedly, that’s conjecture, but considering the following oddities it might be more believable by the end of the article.

Unusually Shallow Depth: The initial hypocenter (depth) of the quake reported by the establishment media was, wait for it, wait for it, only 0.1 miles or about 528 feet (161 meters) deep. That’s right, AFP announced the depth with certainty, “The Pentagon, the US Capitol and monuments in the nation’s capital were all evacuated after the 5.9-magnitude quake, which was shallow with its epicenter only 0.1 miles underground.” The depth was later adjusted to a more believable 3.7 miles (5.95 kilometers) beneath the surface. Still, shallow-focus quakes usually only occur in areas abundant in seismic activity, like the ring of fire. And the depths of those shallow-focus earthquakes are usually in the tens of kilometers deep. The Earth’s crust in the Eastern U.S. where “the fault lines are more healed” is described by CBS News as “older and colder” than out West. Which, according to Wikipedia, means it should have been a deep-focus earthquake with a depth ranging from 300 to 700 kilometers. Certainly not one barely below the Earth’s surface.

Odd Seismograph Reading: A reporter from Press Core received an anonymous email from someone claiming to be in the U.S. Air Force that stated the Virginia earthquake “wasn’t a natural earthquake and not a HAARP earthquake.” The reporter was instructed to find a seismograph of the Washington DC area earthquake and compare it to a past earthquakes and seismic readings of the alleged underground nuclear test by North Korea that resulted in a 4.7 magnitude tremor at a depth of zero.

Seismograph of Virginia quake in green — Washington and Lee University (85 miles from epicenter)

Press Core writes, the green lines indicate the blunt tremor that was felt in Washington D.C. and the black lines are a transparent overlay of a seismograph from a pdf file from Virginia Division Mineral Resources on Earthquakes. That file describes a typical natural occurring earthquake as:

When a fault ruptures, energy is released in the form of seismic waves. The first waves to reach the earth’s surface are primary or ‘P’ waves (Figure 2). P waves are compressional waves that travel at a speed of about four miles per second near the surface – faster as depth increases. The next waves to reach the earth’s surface are secondary or ‘S’ waves. S waves are shear waves that move at a speed of about 1.5 miles per second. P and S waves are body waves that travel through the earth much like sonar waves travel through water. Surface waves, which are slower than S waves, travel along the surface of the earth much like waves at the surface of the ocean. S waves and surface waves cause the most destruction at the earth’s surface.
The article concludes; “What is missing from the seismograph for the Washington DC area 5.8 magnitude earthquake are the primary or ‘P’ waves. All earthquakes that are the direct result of fault rupture have these primary or ‘P’ waves. Nuclear detonations do not.”

Distance Felt: As my introduction stated, I’ve never “felt” an earthquake whose epicenter was farther than 50 miles away. Of course, this doesn’t mean that it’s not possible, as clearly this was felt upwards of 500 miles from the epicenter. The CBS article quoted above that referred to the crust as “older and colder” also uses that argument to explain why tremors were felt so far away: “The East is far less seismically active — but when earthquakes do hit, that hard ground is far more effective at conducting the seismic waves. When you hit it, it rings like a bell,” said Christopher Scholz a professor of geophysics at Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University.” This seems a bit contradictory given the shallow depth of the quake, but there may be some validity to the “bell” theory. The fact remains, earthquakes whose effects travel long distances are uncommon, hence the reason for the CBS article about why the quake was so “widely felt.”

‘Remarkably Low’ Number of Aftershocks: Amy Vaughan, a geophysicist with the USGS Earthquake Information Center in Colorado told CBS News that “For the size earthquake that occurred, I think the number of aftershocks so far has been remarkably low.” Don Blakeman, another geophysicist at the Earthquake Information Center, added “Typically, the larger the quake, the longer and the greater extent of aftershocks. Shallow earthquakes like the one in Virginia also tend to generate numerous aftershocks.” The lack of aftershocks led the USGS to report that the Virginia quake may be just a foreshock of something larger to come. A foreshock is an earthquake that occurs before a larger seismic event (the mainshock) and is related to it in both time and space. I’m not sure what this means other than it’s just another abnormality about this quake.

Image source – Enterprise Mission

Instantaneously Knocked Irene Off Course: Kevin Hayden and Glenn Kreisberg reported “Coincidentally, the time frame leading up to Virginia/DC/New York area experiencing freak seismic activity, Hurricane Irene begins to weaken and move off course, avoiding its initial path of Havanna, inland Florida, the Carolinas, and eventually, the Washington, DC area. The newly projected paths show that it may barely clip the eastern coast, if at all. Just as Ophelia did when it threatened the same region.” Irene stalled and changed directions similar to Ophelia seen in the graphic provided. Clearly, these types of drastic changes are not a natural path for hurricanes.

A few articles have speculated that HAARP earthquake weapons were to blame, in conjunction with manipulating hurricane Irene. Indeed, when one knows even the basic capabilities of HAARP, this does not seem too far-fetched. Press Core seems to think the seismic data proves it was more similar to an underground nuclear detonation. One thing is for sure, the mysterious characteristics of the Virginia quake seem to indicate that it was not a typical earthquake.

I invite all my readers here at World Examiner News to comment on what you think about these strange anomalies, or please provide solid evidence to explain this unusual evidence.


Story sourced from


The Orion capsule in an Acoustic Chamber for testing at Lockheed Martin. Credit: Lockheed Martin

Back in 2007, when the Constellation program to return to the Moon was still the program of record for NASA, a group from Lockheed Martin began investigating how they might be able to use the Orion lunar capsule to send humans on a mission to an asteroid. Originally, this plan — called Plymouth Rock — was just a study to see how an asteroid mission with Orion could possibly serve as a complement to the baseline of Constellation’s lunar mission plans.

Now, it has turned into much more.

The Orion MPCV being built and tested at Lockheed Martin in Boulder, Colorado. Credit: John O’Connor, Click for super-large, pan-able image.

Thanks to John O’Connor from, we are able to show you some views of the Orion MPCV inside Lockheed Martin’s facilities in Boulder, Colorado.

After canceling Constellation in February of 2010, two months later President Obama outlined sending astronauts to a nearby asteroid by 2025 and going to Mars by the mid-2030?s.

In May of 2011, NASA confirmed that the centerpiece of those missions will be the Orion – now called the Orion MultiPurpose Crew Vehicle. The repurposed Orion lunar vehicle would now be going to an asteroid, just like Josh Hopkins and his team from Lockheed Martin envisioned in their Plymouth Rock study.

Hopkins is the Principal Investigator for Advanced Human Exploration Missions, a team of engineers who develop plans and concepts for a variety of future human exploration missions.

“Normally when you take a spacecraft or a piece of hardware that has been designed for one job and you try to figure out how to use it for a different job, you discover there are all these details that don’t work out quite right,” Hopkins told Universe Today. “But we were pleasantly surprised that when we took this lunar version of Orion and applied it to an asteroid mission, it is a really flexible and capable vehicle and a lot of the requirements for the lunar mission match pretty well with the asteroid mission.”

Concept drawing of the Plymouth Rock mission to an asteroid. Credit: Lockheed Martin.

The Plymouth Rock design called for using two specially modified Orion spacecraft docked nose to nose in order to provide enough living space, propulsion, and life-support for two astronauts heading to an asteroid. But NASA has said the MPCV will be used primarily for launch and entry while a larger habitation module would be docked to the MPCV to enable a crew of 4 to travel to deep space.

Shuttle astronaut Tom Jones was impressed with the Plymouth Rock concept, but knows a larger companion vehicle will be needed for a trip to an asteroid. “Plymouth Rock is the minimalist approach to do an asteroid mission,” he said. “That’s one way to solve the redundancy problem in the short-term.”

But even developing an in-space habitat could be a matter of repackaging things we already have. “The hab module could be derived directly from what we’ve done for space station, or it could be a commercial inflatable like from Bigelow, so that might be tried out by a commercial station or hotel in the next 10 years, so that would be demonstrated technology,” Jones said.

“Basically the tradeoff between a larger in-space habitat module versus the dual Orion approach is that by having a separate habitat you have more living space, more storage space, and there is the potential that it would be better for performing spacewalks,” said Hopkins. “But then you have to invest the costs for developing that system.”

Hopkins added that when he and his team initially conceived the Plymouth Rock mission, they were trying to figure out how to do an asteroid mission for as little as possible. Using two Orions was cheaper than developing a module specific to an asteroid mission.

“For Plymouth Rock, we had spelled out the need to basically increase the amount of food, water, oxygen and storage in the spacecraft, and some of that is accomplished by the fact of having two spacecraft,” Hopkins said.

For now, NASA hasn’t yet changed many of the requirements for the MPCV from what they previously were for the lunar vehicle, and as the mission design evolves, so might the MPCV. But so far, the lunar design seems to be working, and Hopkins said there are several design features already in Orion that make it very capable as a deep space vehicle.

For lunar missions, Orion was designed for basically 21 days with a crew on board going from Earth to the Moon and back and having a roughly have a six month “loiter period” while the crew was down on the lunar surface. That scenario would work for an asteroid mission, as a crewed flight to an asteroid would likely be about a six-month roundtrip journey, depending on the destination.

“So in things like reliability, leak rate of atmosphere in the cabin, and protection from radiation and micrometeorites, Orion is already designed for 6-7 month missions for the hardware,” Hopkins explained. “It is just not designed to have people for that long of time period.”

Orion has solar arrays rather than fuel cells like Apollo, which enable longer missions. Another big selling point is that the MPCV is designed to be 10 times safer during ascent and entry than its predecessor, the space shuttle.

“The reentry speeds are just a little bit faster for an asteroid mission than a lunar mission,” Hopkins said, “but current the thermal protection system we have should be able to handle it.”

A look inside the hatch of the Orion capsule at the Michoud Assembly Facility near New Orleans. Credit: John O’Connor,

Inside the MPCV is 9 cubic meters of habitable volume. “That is not total pressurized volume of the structure, but the space that’s left after computers, seats, supplies are all accounted for,” said Hopkins. “That’s about twice the size of a modern passenger van, like a Toyota Sienna.”
One big challenge is to figure out how use every nook and cranny to package a lot of supplies in a small amount of space, as the Orion could serve as a storeroom of sorts. “We think it’s possible,” Hopkins said. “We’ve done initial calculations that we can pack a reasonable amount of volume but it would be a pretty tight fit and we also have to think about the secondary things that need to be included, so that’s work that is ongoing.”

Logistically, the Orion MPCV could even support doing an EVA from the hatch on the capsule.

“We have a hatch that is big enough that an astronaut in a space suit can get out,” Hopkins said, “and the internal systems in the spacecraft are designed to tolerate the cabin being depressurized. We don’t rely on air circulation to carry the heat away from the electronics – they have their own cold plates to take the heat away. The knobs are designed to be manipulated with spacesuit gloves on, not just bare hands. A lot of those features just worked out to be pretty applicable to the asteroid mission because it was designed for a similar set of mission requirements.”

Lockheed Martin’s Space Operations Simulation Center in Colorado can simulates the MPCV docking with an asteroid. Credit: John O’Connor,

Hopkins knows the requirements and capabilities the Orion, as well as the in-space habitat will likely change over time, depending on the destination and the timeline. “If the plan is to go to the moons of mars or distant asteroids relatively soon, say in the late 2020’s or early 2030s, you might go ahead and build a relatively large, capable in space habitat, because you will definitely need it for those more distant missions. But if the idea were to go to the easiest asteroids to get to and do that relatively soon, then you might stick with a smaller simpler habitat module, or perhaps even the twin Orion approach.”

When the MPCV does return from a mission to an asteroid, it will likely land in the Pacific Ocean. NASA has begun some at NASA’s Langley Research Center to certify the vehicle for water landings. Engineers have dropped a 22,000-pound MPCV mockup into the basin. The test item is similar in size and shape to MPCV, but is more rigid so it can withstand multiple drops. Each test has a different drop velocity to represent the MPCV’s possible entry conditions during water landings.

So while these tests are happening and while Hopkins and his team from Lockheed Martin are working on and testing the Orion MPCV, NASA is still trying to decide on a heavy-lift launch system capable of bringing humans beyond low Earth orbit and they have not named anyone to lead the design of a human mission to an asteroid. The NASA website doesn’t even have any official information about a human asteroid mission; it only mentions “beyond low Earth orbit” as the next stop for humans.

“We’re talking about something that is going to happen in 2025 so we haven’t even decided on a spacecraft yet,” said Michael Braukus from NASA’s Exploration Systems Mission Directorate via a phone call. “We’re planning on the asteroid mission happening; it’s just that we haven’t designated a person to be responsible for the asteroid mission itself. We have the Orion MPCV under construction and we are awaiting on the decision of a space launch system, which will be the rocket that will carry it to deep space, and we’re progressing down the road, but haven’t reached a point yet where we have actually assigned someone to start developing the mission.”

So, that appears to be NASA’s current biggest hurdle to a human asteroid mission: deciding on the Space Launch System.


Sourced from:

Note From Rob Mann: For MONTHS I have been trying to educate readers of this blog about the truth of the nuclear disaster in Japan. To many I am sure I looked like a fear-mongering conspiracy theorist. This is not the case. Now there is official recognition by governments around the world that the nuclear nightmare in Fukushima is currently impacting us ALL. Most of Tokyo will likely soon be uninhabitable. Please read the below and watch the videos before deciding that you have nothing to worry about. A media black-out has been going on since the Japan earthquake in March, 2011. Now the truth is coming out, and the entire world needs to know. PLEASE SHARE THIS POST WITH OTHERS.




Radiation Above Chernobyl Evacuation Limits Found In Tokyo

The below article was written by Dr. Mark Sircus


Nothing good about the nuclear news at the end of August as we have official recognition (finally) of what is going on in Japan and thus what is threatening the rest of the world, especially the northern hemisphere. It is now being said that the amount of radioactive cesium that has leaked from a tsunami-hit nuclear plant is about equal to 168 of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima at the end of World War II, Japan’s nuclear agency said Friday the 26th.

That’s like dropping one nuclear weapon a day since the beginning of this disaster and this is what they have been calling safe, no problem, don’t worry about it, go home and go to sleep. Dr. Chris Busby tells us in the above video that he himself went to Japan with very sophisticated equipment and found areas in Tokyo that were 1,000 times higher than the exclusion zone around Chernobyl.

The report said the damaged plant has released 15,000 tera becquerels of cesium-137, which lingers for decades and could cause cancer, compared with the 89 tera becquerels released by the U.S. uranium bomb.

Now tell me who in their right mind would be comfortable being downwind of that? The answer to that one is very tragic and sad—millions are too comfortable and many more millions are simply unaware because they are not being told by their governments or the mainstream press. But today that finally changes!

A person can still squirm around this one with all their rationalizations, but you can now count them—each nuclear explosion worth of radiation being pumped into the environment day after day after day.

The National Institute for Environmental Studies said its simulation of aerial flow, diffusion and deposition of the two isotopes released from the tsunami-hit plant showed their impact reached most of Japan’s eastern half, ranging from Iwate in the north to Tokyo and central prefecture (state) of Shizuoka. Both Iwate and Shizuoka are more than 180 miles (300 kilometers) away from the plant.
Tokyo is Finished

Time is running out for the 35 million people in the Tokyo metropolitan area and, in fact, in a year or two all of northern Japan will become quite uninhabitable for there is no way for them to stop the process once the fissioning materials work their way down into the earth and the water table below, which they have already done. (See my recent essay “The China Syndrome”.)

As radiation levels rise, some sanity has surfaced in Japan as the government lowered back down the radiation exposure limits for children to below one millisievert per year while at school. Following the accident, in a move that prompted outrage, Japan raised the exposure limit for both adults and children from one to 20 millisieverts per year, matching the maximum exposure level for nuclear industry workers in many countries.

Parents in Fukushima have since been calling on the government to lower limits at school, claiming that children face a higher risk from radiation-linked cancers and other diseases than adults, which of course is absolutely true. Radiation experts agree that children are at greatest risk from cancers and genetic defects because they are still growing, are more prone to thyroid cancers, and because they will have more time to develop health defects.

The news services continue to misrepresent the situation. “Areas surrounding Japan’s crippled Fukushima nuclear plant could remain uninhabitable for decades,” Reuters reported, when in reality it will be thousands of years at best. A brutal way of saying this is that the nuclear lobby is, all by itself, proving to be the undoing of the human race. But the British are still going to sing hail to the queen and the royal family, who are deeply wed to the uranium industry.

The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex “is still leaking low levels of radiation,” when it is still leaking high levels of radiation. “It could take more than 20 years before residents could safely return to areas with current radiation readings of 200 millisieverts per year, and a decade for areas at 100 millisieverts per year.” Someone is having a nuclear wet dream with these assumptions. Too many have swallowed hook, line and sinker the “safe, low-level, no harm, nothing to worry about” pronouncements in the press, so much so that they actually believe it. Humanity is stuck with Fukushima and all by itself it will badly pollute the north and, perhaps after some time, the south of our world as well.
New Data Supports Previous Fairewinds Analysis, as Contamination Spreads in Japan and Worldwide from Fairewinds Associates on Vimeo.

Newly released neutron data from three University of California San Diego scientists confirms Fairewinds’ April analysis that the disaster continues to contaminate the surrounding environment and upper atmosphere with large doses of radioactivity.

In a new revelation, the NRC claims that the plutonium found more than one mile offsite actually came from inside the nuclear reactors! If such a statement were true, it indicates that the nuclear power plant containments failed and were breached with debris landing far from the power plants themselves.

The bad idea of burning the radioactive materials (building materials, trees, lawn grass, rice straw) by the Japanese government will cause radioactive cesium to spread even further into areas within Japan that have been previously clean and across the Pacific Ocean to North America. Until very recently we in the West were considered barbarians by the Japanese. Perhaps when they burn these materials, knowing where some of that radiation is going, they are thinking of the old days. The real point here is that we are in trouble—serious trouble and we have not even begun to deal with this in our minds or hearts. We let the politicians lead us and now we see how high the price for that will go.
Governments Do Not Serve the People

Japan’s Prime Minister Naoto Kan has announced his resignation. Mr. Kan has been criticized for failing to show leadership after the devastating March 11 earthquake and tsunami, and ensuing nuclear crisis. The 64-year-old’s resignation had been widely expected, and comes amid tumbling public support. Kan is responsible more than anyone else for the government’s actions. As the disaster continues to unfold through the months and years to come it would not surprise me if Kan is shamed to the point of being invited to commit ritual suicide in Japanese fashion for his betrayal of the Japanese people.

Early on in the disaster, Toshiso Kosako, a Tokyo University professor, became senior nuclear adviser to Kan, then quickly resigned saying the government had ignored his advice and failed to follow the law, and had only taken ad hoc measures to contain the crisis at the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant.

The Japanese government has yet to grasp the severity of the contamination within Japan, and therefore has not developed a coherent plan to protect its people from harm.
Some say that without a cohesive plan, the radioactivity will continue to spread throughout Japan and around the globe further, but then again we might have to face the reality that there is nothing governments and industry can do now to mitigate the disaster.
Are People Dying Already?

I have already reported on increasing death rates for children under one year of age both on the east and west coasts of America and in western Canada. Some authorities have been bragging and waggling about the lack of deaths from this overblown disaster. But anyone who believes the authorities about anything these days needs to have his head examined.

A Japanese medical doctor recently sent me a translation of a blog in Japanese that talked about someone who lost three of his colleagues in two days. His translation stated that, “They were all involved in moving cars out of the evacuated areas early on at the request of evacuated families before the area became restricted. They were 32, 34, and 44, and first two died on August 9 and the third on August 10, all of heart attacks. (Not sure if it was really heart attacks or arrhythmia, since there was no autopsy done and the bodies were cremated.) There has been a middle-aged woman who was involved in a pet rescue, and she died of acute leukemia about a week after diagnosis in early August. She went to Fukushima at least once to pick up her relative’s dog that had been rescued, and she has a lot of family from Fukushima, so she might have been exposed to radioactive particles carried by those who had been exposed. She also seemed like the type of person who did not have good health to begin with.”

It is like vaccine deaths—so many of the sudden-infant and shaken-baby deaths can be blamed on anything but the real cause, which stems from the totally obnoxious toxins in vaccines. With the multiple vaccines given to children today, for them it’s like stepping into a boxing ring and having a hailstorm of punches delivered to their vulnerable young bodies.

Dr. Mark Sircus is a natural health expert and self-sufficiency advocate. He is the author of several must-read books including titles such as Survival Medicine For the 21st Century, Winning the War on Cancer, and Humane Pediatrics. You can find all of Mark’s informative articles at his website IMVA.

By Lev Navrozov: When Stalin died in 1953, I was 25 years of age. The creators of the society in which I, and later my wife and our son, was living, considered themselves sages. On the other hand, I and other free spirits viewed Marx as a stupid, fat German hack, Lenin as a Russian idiot, and Stalin as a Georgian mass murderer.

It would be ridiculous to expect that intelligent people in Russia, a country of great literature and other arts and of sophisticated science and technology, would not see through childish make-believes that the crude slavery throughout the country was the greatest attainment of mankind.

I remember the spring of 1941, when Hitler’s army crossed the Russian border. I also remember the day when quite a few writers in Russia, including my father, volunteered to stop a column of Nazi motorcyclists, equipped with machine guns, approaching Moscow. The Russian volunteers did not survive the attack, but Hitler’s onslaught on Moscow was cut short, and the enemy did not enter the city.

The names of my father and other writers who were killed while stopping the advance of Nazi’s armed motorcyclists have been set in gold on a marble memorial plaque in the entrance hall to the Moscow Writers’ Club.

Russia was the world’s only country that followed (in the autumn of 1917) the idiotism of the brain of Karl Marx. How did that happen?

The First World War was over, the Russian army was exhausted, and the prospect of being drawn into another war conflict was psychologically destructive. The soldiers wanted to go home.

The last Russian tsar was “overthrown,” since too few Russians understood how it was possible for Great Britain to develop its democracy while preserving their king and queen.

In the aftermath of World War II, Stalin refused to give up the territories of the East-European countries as well as the Eastern part of Germany he had occupied during the war. Stalin turned them into slave countries having established his “Soviet” dominance, which surpassed Hitler’s Germany in being the most vicious and anti-Democratic regime of the time.

It took decades for those European countries and the disintegration of the so-called “Soviet Union” to free themselves and get back their independence.

The most important political background of today’s Russia is its rulers’ fear of China. The Chinese just walk into Siberia and settle there, building their homes and opening businesses, and local authorities do not have the willingness or financial resources to prevent them.

The old Russian fear of the medieval “Tatar-Mongol” invasion of Russia (the use of the word “Chinese” was avoided by the Soviet propaganda) was joyfully forgotten.

This fear of the Chinese invasion is well justified. Post-Soviet era Russian “leaders” are trying to maintain good neighborly relations with China — it is out of this fear that they are trying to placate communist China by helping it to develop recent technologies, selling to China military equipment, and overlooking Chinese illegal settlers in Russian Siberia: all this to keep at bay the much-dreaded threat from the totalitarian communist dictators.

The China subject is being widely discussed in the independent Russian press, and the present Russian leaders must realize that by selling military technologies to China they contribute to China’s military potential and just delay the much-dreaded confrontation.

The present rulers, or owners, of Russia may not believe in the successful defense against the “People’s Republic of China.” But what about Russia as a junior ally of the PRC?

Russian “leaders” realize that no European country will be able to resist the China-Russia alliance. Whereupon the remaining countries of the Eastern hemisphere will be crushed by China, Russia, and whatever other countries will join the alliance.

That’s quite a feasible threat from the China-Russia alliance to the Western hemisphere: the United States, Canada, and South America.

Hypothetically, or rather quite realistically, it is this China-Russia alliance that will make communist China the owner of the world.

Yes, against the general background of history of the world, the free countries are miracles — the societies to live in and listen to music written by composers of genius and performed by musicians of genius, to read what has been written by thinkers and writers of genius, and so on. And just think of it — all this can be lost.

And the vital need of freedom can be lost: Many countries live without freedom.

The “Soviet government” promised to create such an abundance of all goods and services that they would be given free of charge to whoever wanted to have them.

But the harsh reality has proved to be so much harder than the dreams of a fat German called Karl Marx and that the owners of other slave countries are as far from reality as it turned out to be in Soviet Russia.

Sourced from: Lev Navrozov

Interesting paper on Russia’s image of Russia – China Relations:

Update August 29, 2011: East Coast Virginia Nuke plant is now exposed to full scale meltdown! See this video explaining what happened in Maryland, and how vulnerable we all really are. This plant’s BACK-UP GENERATOR FAILED!

Update August 28, 2011: BREAKING NEWS – Weather Channel just reported that One of Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Reactors has gone off line after transformer damaged. Plant Plant director states reactor is “secure” and “everything is fine.” Let’s hope so. We’ve been lied to before.

More than a dozen nuclear reactors along the U.S. East Coast are being prepared for potential loss of power and damage from high winds and storm surges as Hurricane Irene bears down on the region.

[ NOTE: To read about possible connections between HAARP, Hurricane Irene, and the recent Virginia/DC Earthquake, go here ]

Nuclear plants in Irene’s path continued to operate as workers secured loose equipment, checked diesel fuel supplies for backup generators and stowed cots and food for workers who may be stranded during the storm.

At Dominion Resources Inc.’s Millstone nuclear station, which sits on a narrow peninsula in the Long Island Sound near Waterford, Connecticut, workers were examining flood barriers and submarine doors designed to keep reactors dry from a hurricane’s storm surge.

“That’s part of our storm preparations: ensuring those flood barriers are in place, ready to do their job,” said Ken Holt, a spokesman for Richmond, Virginia-based Dominion, in an interview yesterday.

Irene, a Category 3 hurricane, is on track to become the first major storm to strike the U.S. since Hurricane Ike in 2008, following a similar path to Gloria in 1985, which swept through New York City into New England.

More than 65 million people from North Carolina to Maine live in the projected path of the storm, according to data compiled by Bloomberg News. National Hurricane Center forecasts show Irene first making landfall along North Carolina’s Outer Banks tomorrow before sweeping north and east through the most populous region of the country.

Indian Point

Entergy Corp.’s Indian Point plant, about 35 miles from midtown Manhattan, is monitoring the storm, which is expected to reach that area as soon as Aug. 28, said Jerry Nappi, a plant spokesman.

The storm’s winds pose a greater threat to the switch yards and power lines that support a nuclear plant than the reactors themselves, which sit beneath containment structures of steel- reinforced concrete, Alex Marion, vice president of nuclear operations for the Nuclear Energy Institute, an industry trade group, said in an interview.

Emergency planning at nuclear plants is in the spotlight following Japan’s Fukushima Dai-Ichi reactor meltdown earlier this year. The disaster occurred after a magnitude-9 earthquake in March triggered a 40-foot tsunami that damaged the station and wiped out unsecured diesel generators.

Power Losses Expected

PJM Interconnection LLC, the grid operator that coordinates electricity transmission across much of the region in Irene’s anticipated path, is preparing for power outages caused by storm winds and falling tree branches, Ray Dotter, PJM’s spokesman.

Federal rules require nuclear plant operators to shut down reactors as hurricane-force winds approach. If lesser winds cut power to a station, nuclear reactors are designed to automatically shut down and switch to backup power to keep fuel cool.

“We have identified by now the plants that could be at risk because of high winds or water surges,” Dotter said in an interview. “We’re looking at what would be necessary to replace them.”

Storm surge is a concern for coastal plants such as Progress Energy Inc.’s Brunswick station in North Carolina, said Jim Riccio, a nuclear-policy analyst in Washington for Greenpeace USA, which is opposed to nuclear power.

Backup Generators Ready

Other plants, including Constellation Energy Group Inc.’s Calvert Cliffs facility in Maryland, and Public Service Enterprise Group Inc.’s Hope Creek and Salem facilities in southern New Jersey are at risk of losing power from the electric grid, depending on the storm’s path, he said.

“They’re all at risk of a loss of off-site power,” Riccio said. If that happens, diesel generators are supposed to automatically kick in.

Federal regulations require nuclear reactors to be in a “safe shutdown condition,” cooled to less than 300 degrees Fahrenheit, two hours before hurricane-force winds strike, the Nuclear Energy Institute’s Marion said.

To comply, plant operators typically begin shutting down reactors 12 hours before winds exceeding 74 miles per hour are predicted to arrive, said Roger Hannah, a spokesman with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Region II office in Atlanta, in an interview.

“We closely monitor, every hour, the storm track and intensity to determine potential for impact to the site,” said Indian Point’s Nappi in an e-mail.

Flood-Proof Walls

Backup generators powered Tennessee Valley Authority’s Browns Ferry plant in Tennessee and Dominion’s Surry station in Virginia this spring after tornados damaged power lines leading to the plant, Marion said.

Diesel generators are secured behind flood-proof walls at U.S. nuclear plants, said Hannah, which stock a federally mandated seven-day supply of fuel. All plants in coastal areas of the country are typically built behind berms designed to withstand flooding, Hannah said, and key components and equipment are housed in watertight buildings.

Although Irene’s storm surge is expected to cause widespread flooding in coastal areas, it shouldn’t carry the destructive force of the Fukushima tsunami. “There’s a big difference between a storm surge and a large tsunami,” Hannah said.

To see a list of the Nuclear Plants that may be shut down in advance of Hurricane Irene, go here:

Story sourced from:

HAARP, Hurricane Irene and the DC Earthquake: IS THERE A CONNECTION?

Note: I would like to thank the celebrity Roseanne Barr for publishing this article on her blog and twitter feed. I invite more public figures and activists to share the contents of my blog freely so as to help educate the world about the truth of Direct Energy Weapons and the Secret War in our Skies. Mann, 8/28/11

UPDATE: 6 Strange Anomalies With Virginia/DC Earthquake:

ALERT! 8/28/11: Tropical Depression #12 following Hurricane Irene and is headed to the East Coast

DEAR READERS: I invite you to follow me down this rabbit-hole: Speculative article on HAARP, Hurricane Irene, and the recent Virignia/DC earthquake. Was HAARP trying to help move Irene away from the coast, but instead caused an earthquake? Evidence suggests this is not such a crazy idea…To learn more about HAARP-Type Weapons, I invite you to read these two articles about HAARP’s deadly experiment on our skies – And remember, several other countries have HAARP-type Tesla Array installs too.

New York City and Washington, DC experienced a rather powerful, shallow earthquake earlier this week, just as a category 3 hurricane is making its way towards the Eastern seaboard. While these two events seem to be completely seperate, I suspected immediately that they could be connected. Follow me down this rabbit hole, if you will, in a short exercise in conspiracy theory building.

WOOPS! Did HAARP Accidentally Trigger An Earthquake When Trying To Move Hurricane Irene Away From The United States Eastern Coast?

In 1997, US Secretary of Defense William Cohen made the following statement at a well-attended conference on weapons of mass destruction, “Others (terrorists) are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves….So, there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations…It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our own (counterterrorism) efforts.”

If you think about it, that’s actually a pretty ominous statement coming from a sitting Secretary of Defense.

And consider that if our government believed terrorists were engaging in these pursuits back in 1997, you might assume our government, for better or worse, is currently well along in pursuing these abilities as well. Don’t forget: In general, the Military Technology that the general global public is privy to is about 20 years behind the actual advanced technology capability of the leading World Superpowers’ Military (Russia, China, and the United States in particular).

Now, there is a gentleman named Richard C. Hoagland who knows something more about all of this. Hoagland is a scientific researcher with some clout. He was technical science adviser to Walter Cronkite during the Apollo missions, worked with Carl Sagan developing the message discs placed aboard Pioneer spacecraft and has had a close working relationship with NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory for many years. Hoagland’s own independent research group is called The Enterprise Mission.

Hoagland claims, among other things, that after scouring hundreds of hours of satellite radar images from a variety of sources, he has documented a phenomenon which he believes is evidence that someone or something is affecting the path and intensity of tropical storms and hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean. As sci-fi as that sounds, the evidence is quite compelling. – via Glenn Kreisberg at
Radar images of Hurricanes Ophelia from the Enterprise Mission website.

Images originally from the University of Wisconsin MIMIC (Morphed Integrated Microwave Imagery at CIMSS)

The satellite image loops of the storm tracks indicate some anomalous and erratic behavior in the path and intensity of Hurricane Ophelia. They show Ophelia as a well-organized, strong category 1 storm off the southeast coast of the US. Over very warm, late season open water, the US Weather Service predicted a category 4 storm within 24 to 48 hours and the westerly path of the storm track had it headed for landfall along the mid-Atlantic coast.

Instead, in less than 12 hours, the storm had changed course and dissipated completely. The radar image shows something very strange occurring to the storm. As the storm tracks west towards the coast, the satellite precipitation image reveals two extremely heavy, nearly parallel bands of precipitation emanating, in waves from the east, directly toward the eye of the storm. As these heavy bands of precipitation intensify over Hurricane Ophelia, the storm begins to change course, dissipate and is quickly extinguished. The effect is quite dramatic and not at all natural looking. The fact is, intensely heavy bands of cool rainfall falling on the eye of a well organized hurricane, through which the warm waters of the ocean below rise to provide energy and circulation to the hurricane, would have the effect of interfering with that energy flow and for all practical purposes, starving the storm of its fuel.

Hurricane Irene

This is extremely similar to what was currently predicted for Hurricane Irene that is currently making its way up the East Coast. Until now. Suddenly, the day that the north-east, and specifically the Virginia/DC/New York area, experiences freak seismic activity, Hurricane Irene begins to weaken and move off course, avoiding its initial path of Florida, the Carolinas, and eventually, Washington, DC. Just as Ophelia did when it threatened the same region. However, we have microwave imagery of Ophelia and later discovered the anomalous bands of energy and cold rain.

It is still yet to be determined with any certainty whether Hurricane Irene will continue out into the ocean and subside or will it regain its strength and head back inland?
Hoagland describes the dual heavy rain bands in Ophelia as taking on a “tuning fork” interference pattern that moves in lock step with the eye of the storm.

It is Hoagland’s contention “…based on the physics of these images that these bizarre ‘tuning fork’ patterns — note, geometrically aimed at the precise centers of these respective storms! — are actually a “rainfall side-effect” of an unseen energy technology being applied to these respective storms … in an effort todecrease both their wind velocities, and to simultaneously alter the storms’ tracks themselves.”

As a Spectrum Engineer, I see some merit in this electro-magnetic “energy technology” explanation, but I believe Hoagland’s “rainfall side effect” may actually be the main desired effect, given that enough intense cold rain from above, on the storm, could act as a blanket on the storms fire and have the effect of the storm rapidly raining itself out. As I’m no meteorologist, this is mere speculation on my part.

But could this effect possibly be attained using electromagnetic waves? Consider that research indicates, and it’s not unlikely, certain frequencies of high intensity EM fields could have the ability to separate molecules or break up molecular compounds. This could be used for such things as say separating H2O from air allowing the water to fall. It seems this would be more plausible over open water than over land as water vapor levels and atmospheric conditions over large bodies of water would seem more conducive. – via Glenn Kreisberg at

Furthermore, as many are starting to learn about, the HAARP facilities are a prime suspect in this potential disturbance in both seismic activity and hurricane intensity. Perhaps in their attempt to divert the hurricane, it caused an unintended, unusual earthquake in the region? Is it possibly due to the gas and oil firms fracturing the rock layers (fracking) in their efforts to find more resources? The earthquake is highly unusual, in and of itself.

It is all most intriguing to contemplate. I would be interested in seeing some of the current microwave imagery of Hurricane Irene if it is available somewhere from the early hours of August 23rd, 2011, and look for any similar tuning-fork bands.

High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program – H.A.A.R.P.

HAARP has been met with controversy since the mid-1990s when the State Duma of Russia issued a press release written by international affairs and defense communities on HAARP and signed by 90 deputies: “The U.S. is creating new integral geophysical weapons that may influence the near-Earth medium with high-frequency radio waves … The significance of this qualitative leap could be compared to the transition from cold steel to firearms, or from conventional weapons to nuclear weapons. This new type of weapons differs from previous types in that the near-Earth medium becomes at once an object of direct influence and its component.”

For more information on HAARP check out the Resource Bar and Pages on this blog. Also, see or simply look for it as a keyword in your favorite search engine. There is plenty of information out there, some more sane than others.

“HAARP can zap the upper atmosphere with a focused and steerable electromagnetic beam. It is an advanced model of an “ionospheric heater.” (The ionosphere is the electrically-charged sphere surrounding Earth’s upper atmosphere. It ranges between 40 to 60 miles above the surface of the Earth.)”

In January of 2010, Hugo Chavez claimed that the United States had used HAARP-like technology to cause the Haiti earthquake.

The Latin American leader added that the US should “stop playing God.” Chavez said these “weapon earthquakes” would eventually be used against Iran and be taken over by the US military, notes Hip Hop Wired.

Although Chavez did not reveal his source, Press TV reported the Venezuelan media had stated that the earthquake may be associated with the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), which has been accused of generating violent and disastrous changes in climate.
And from the book, Angels Don’t Play This Haarp: Advances in Tesla Technology:
“The $30 million [Pentagon] project, euphemistically named HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program), is made to beam more than 1.7 gigawatts (billion watts) of radiated power into the ionosphere — the electrically charged layer above Earth’s atmosphere. Put simply, the apparatus is a reversal of a radio telescope — just transmitting instead of receiving. It will ‘boil the upper atmosphere’. After [heating] and disturbing the ionosphere, the radiations will bounce back onto the earth in for form of long waves which penetrate our bodies, the ground and the oceans.” [page 8]
“… this invention provides the ability to put unprecedented amounts of power in the Earth’s atmosphere at strategic locations and to maintain the power injection level, particularly if random pulsing is employed, in a manner far more precise and better controlled than heretofore accomplished by the prior art ….” [Page 28]
“… the goal is to learn how to manipulate the ionosphere on a more grand scale than the the Soviet Union could do with its similar facilities. HAARP would be the largest ionospheric heater in the world, located in a latitude most conducive to putting Eastlund’s invention into practice.” [Page 29]

Furthermore, from this northern latitude, the energy could be aimed into the ionosphere so that it would bounce back down to the earth wherever the engineers wanted it to come down. The secret was to learn how and where to aim it into the ionosphere in order to hit the earth in a particular location.

In a nutshell, this is the nucleus of the expertise required to control the weather. By pouring measured energy that has been focused into certain parts of the ionosphere, scientists can create all kinds of storms, such as hurricanes, thunderstorms, floods, tornadoes and even drought. China, Malayasia and Russia all openly admit to weather modification operations, including the creation of pinpoint hurricanes.

CREDITS: Much of this article based on a fine speculative piece written by Kevin Hayden
Sourced From: Truth Is Some material originally written by Glenn Kreisberg, Spectrum Engineer

By Michael Snyder – Sourced from

14 Conspiracy Theories That The Media Now Admits Are Conspiracy Facts

How many times have you heard the mainstream media dismiss certain points of view as “conspiracy theories”? It seems as though one of the easiest ways to brush something off is to label it as something that only “conspiracy theorists” would believe. Well, you know what? A whole lot of the time the “conspiracy theorists” are right and the mainstream media is wrong. In fact, we owe a great debt to “conspiracy theorists” because they will go places and investigate things that the mainstream media would never even touch. The reality is that the mainstream media only tells us what the government and the big corporations want us to hear, and much of the time it is those in the alternative media that are left with the task of trying to figure out what the real truth is. So don’t look down on conspiracy theories or conspiracy theorists. In a world where almost everything we are told is a lie, the truth can be very difficult to find.

The following are 14 conspiracy theories that the media now admits are conspiracy facts….

#1 Fukushima Uninhabitable

Back in April, I published an article entitled “Much Of Northern Japan Uninhabitable Due To Nuclear Radiation?” At the time, almost everyone in the mainstream media was insisting that Fukushima was nothing like Chernobyl and that those that lived near Fukushima would be able to return to their homes fairly soon.

Well, it turns out that those of us that feared the worst were right after all. Just consider the following quote from the New York Times….

Broad areas around the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant could soon be declared uninhabitable, perhaps for decades, after a government survey found radioactive contamination that far exceeded safe levels, several major media outlets said Monday.

#2 U.S. Military Attack On Libya

At the beginning of this year, nobody would have dreamed that the U.S. military would have attacked Libya this year.

But it happened. At first those that tried to warn about an upcoming conflict with Libya were called kooks, and even up until recently many in the media were still trying to deny that NATO was arming and training the rebels.

Well, the truth is that NATO had special forces on the ground even before the conflict began.

The “rebel groups” (which include large numbers of al-Qaeda fighters) would have been soundly defeated by Gaddafi if not for relentless air strikes by the U.S. military and NATO.

Instead of a straightforward invasion like we saw in Afghanistan and Iraq, the U.S. military and NATO systematically developed, trained and equipped “rebel groups” within the country and have used them as the ground forces for this campaign.

That way the goals of the U.S. and EU could still be achieved, but in the end they would have less blood on their hands.

As the conflict winds down, now even the New York Times is admitting that we have trained and equipped the rebels….

“We always knew there would be a point where the effectiveness of the government forces would decline to the point where they could not effectively command and control their forces,” said the diplomat, who was granted anonymity to discuss confidential details of the battle inside Tripoli.

“At the same time,” the diplomat said, “the learning curve for the rebels, with training and equipping, was increasing. What we’ve seen in the past two or three weeks is these two curves have crossed.”

Sadly, there is still a very good chance that U.S. troops could end up on the ground in Libya.
Many prominent officials are already calling for the U.S. and the EU to provide occupation forces. Richard Haas, the president of the Council on Foreign Relations, has authored an opinion piece for the Financial Times entitled “Libya Now Needs Boots on the Ground”.

If that happens, it will likely end up being a situation very similar to what we have today in Iraq.

#3 Widespread Use Of RFID Chips In Humans

The doubters said it would never happen. They said we would never see the day when RFID chips were implanted in humans on a widespread basis.

Well, today there are examples of this all over the world. One of the most stunning examples recently has come out of Mexico. According to the Washington Post, “thousands of worried Mexicans” have been having “satellite and radio-frequency tracking products” implanted in their skin in order to protect themselves against abduction.

#4 $2000 Gold

It was only a matter of months ago that we were told that gold was “in a bubble” at $1400 or $1500 an ounce.

Well, gold recently crossed the $1900 an ounce barrier, and appears poised to go much higher as global financial instability intensifies.

#5 Obama Wants To Impose Backdoor Amnesty

Those that warned that Barack Obama was going to impose amnesty for illegal immigrants by executive fiat were called “nuts” and “conspiracy theorists”.

Well, it has happened. The Obama administration has now instituted “backdoor amnesty” for illegal immigrants and even plans to provide them with work permits.

#6 U.S. Government Provides Weapons For Mexican Drug Cartels

For a long time there were those that claimed that the U.S. government was providing guns to Mexican drug cartels, but nobody wanted to listen.

Well, it is all now a matter of public record. It turns out that the U.S. government facilitated the transfer of thousands of guns into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.

The following is a brief excerpt from a CBS News report that discusses the fierce opposition that many ATF agents expressed to allowing thousands of guns to be given into the hands of the Mexican drug cartels….

On the phone, one Project Gunrunner source (who didn’t want to be identified) told us just how many guns flooded the black market under ATF’s watchful eye. “The numbers are over 2,500 on that case by the way. That’s how many guns were sold – including some 50-calibers they let walk.”

50-caliber weapons are fearsome. For months, ATF agents followed 50-caliber Barrett rifles and other guns believed headed for the Mexican border, but were ordered to let them go. One distraught agent was often overheard on ATF radios begging and pleading to be allowed to intercept transports. The answer: “Negative. Stand down.”

CBS News has been told at least 11 ATF agents and senior managers voiced fierce opposition to the strategy. “It got ugly…” said one. There was “screaming and yelling” says another. A third warned: “this is crazy, somebody is gonna to get killed.”

Amazingly, three of the key ATF officials involved in putting thousands of guns into the hands of Mexican drug cartels were recently promoted.

#7 Fluoride Is Harmful

Incredibly, the federal government is finally admitting that high levels of fluoride in our drinking water can be harmful. In fact, the feds have reduced the “recommended amount” of fluoride in our drinking water for the first time in 50 years.

We probably won’t see them ban fluoride any time soon, but for them to even acknowledge a problem with fluoride is a major step. In a recent article on CNN, it was reported that the federal government is now saying that high levels of fluoride in the water have now officially been linked with fluorosis….

The Department of Health and Human Services and Environmental Protection Agency are proposing the change because of an increase in fluorosis — a condition that causes spotting and streaking on children’s teeth.

#8 The Federal Reserve Favors The Big Banks

We were always told by the media that the Federal Reserve was “above politics” and that it did not show favoritism.

Well, we all know now that the Fed is deeply corrupt and about the only people that they actually help are their friends.

It turns out that the Federal Reserve very quietly showered the big banks and their friends with hundreds of billions of dollars in loans at rates that were substantially below market during the financial crisis. While Wall Street was being flooded with easy loans, none of the small banks that were deeply suffering and no average Americans got any money.

#9 Cell Phones Linked To Cancer

For years, “conspiracy theorists” have been claiming that cell phone use can cause cancer.

Well, the mainstream media is starting to catch up. Some very startling scientific studies have come out recently that are hard to ignore.

The following is an excerpt from a recent CNN article about one of these studies….

At the highest exposure levels — using a mobile phone half an hour a day over a 10-year period — the study found a 40 percent increased risk of glioma brain tumors.

#10 The Credit Rating Agencies Are Corrupt

We have all been taught that the credit rating agencies are supposed to be objective.

But in the real world things are not that simple.

For example, just a short time after long-term U.S. government debt was downgraded, the head of Standard & Poor’s is resigning, and is being replaced by Douglas Peterson, the former COO of Citigroup.

Do you think the former COO of Citigroup is going to come down hard on his former comrades over at the big Wall Street banks?

Also, a whistleblower has come forward with some stunning revelations about Moody’s. The following is what former analyst William Harrington says was going on over at that credit agency during the financial crisis….

“The track record of management influence in committees speaks for itself — it produced hollowed-out (collateralized debt obligation) opinions that were at great odds with the private opinions of committees and which were not durable for even a short period after publication”

#11 Prescription Drugs Kill A Lot Of Americans

Growing up, I never even imagined that prescription drugs could be dangerous. I had complete faith in the medical community and the government to only allow drugs on the market that were fully tested and proven to be 100% safe.

Well, I was dead wrong. The truth is that adverse reactions to prescription drugs kill a huge number of Americans every year. A recent Vanity Fair article entitled “Deadly Medicine” began with the following statement….

Prescription drugs kill some 200,000 Americans every year. Will that number go up, now that most clinical trials are conducted overseas–on sick Russians, homeless Poles, and slum-dwelling Chinese–in places where regulation is virtually nonexistent, the F.D.A. doesn’t reach, and “mistakes” can end up in pauper’s graves?

#12 Bisphenol-A Is Linked To Infertility

A very common chemical known as bisphenol-A is found in thousands upon thousands of our plastic products. It also turns out that it has some really nasty effects on the human body.

Fortunately, some in the mainstream media are beginning to acknowledge this. Back in October, one of the largest UK newspapers published an article entitled “Bisphenol-A now linked to male infertility” which made the following unequivocal statement about the dangers of BPA….

Bisphenol-A (BPA), known as the “gender bending” chemical because of its connection to male impotence, has now been shown to decrease sperm mobility and quality.

#13 The “Super Congress” Is In The Pocket Of Wall Street Interests

The amount of money that has been donated to the campaigns of those on the “Super Congress” is absolutely astounding.

Just check out what a recent CNBC article had to say about the matter….

Overall, according to the center’s research, the dozen super committee members have raised more than $50 million from the finance, insurance and real estate sector since the 1990 election cycle.

How much influence do you think 50 million dollars is going to buy?

#14 The Targeting Of Christian Groups

We are increasingly hearing from the Obama administration and some members of Congress that we need to be really concerned about “homegrown terrorists” and “Christian extremists”.

For example, during a recent Congressional hearing U.S. Representative Sheila Jackson Lee warned that “Christian militants” might try to “bring down the country” and that such groups need to be investigated.

In addition, according to a shocking document obtained by Oath Keepers, the FBI is now instructing store owners to report many new forms of “suspicious activity” to them. According to the document, “suspicious activity” now includes making “extreme religious statements” and believing in “radical theology”.

Not only that, a Department of Homeland Security report on “right wing extremism” from April 2009 lists the following people as potential terrorists….

-those that believe in “end times” prophecies

-those that believe abortion is wrong

-those that stockpile food, ammunition or weapons

-those that are against same-sex marriage

-those that believe in “New World Order” conspiracy theories

I don’t know about you, but when the federal government starts targeting people based on their religious beliefs, that makes me very nervous.

This world is officially going crazy. So don’t blame “conspiracy theorists” for wanting to dig around and get the facts. The mainstream media sure doesn’t give us much of the truth.

As the world continues to fall apart and as the propaganda from the mainstream media gets even more blatant, the hunger for the truth is only going to grow.

Who knows? Perhaps before it is all over you will be a “conspiracy theorist” too.

A nuclear power plant in Louisa County, ten miles from the epicentre of the earthquake, has been shut down. Amanda Reidelbach [an emergency management spokeswoman for Louisa County] said the plant was venting steam but there was no release of radioactive material
Federal officials said two nuclear reactors at the North Anna Power Station were automatically taken off line by safety systems around the time of the earthquake.
The power plant was only built to withstand a magnitude 5.9 to 6.1 earthquake. Today’s earthquake measured 5.8.

Shut down: Officials said the two nuclear reactors had been automatically taken off line (file picture)

Emergency: The power plant is around 10 miles from the epicentre of the earthquake
The plant lost the power that runs the reactors’ cooling systems, but the plant’s four emergency diesel generators were started to maintain power to the critical safety equipment.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission this year ranked the power plant, which employs around 1,000 people, as the seventh most at risk of earthquake damage in the country.

BREAKING NEWS: 5.9 earthquake hits Virginia with aftershocks in Washington DC and New York
Biggest earthquake to hit Virginia in 110 YEARS… but rare big east coast shakes are often more widespread than in west
Transport chaos as strongest earthquake for more than a hundred years hits US East Coast
The two reactors, Anna 1 and Anna 2, face an annual one in 22,727 chance of the core being damaged by an earthquake and exposing the public to radiation, according to the commission.
The national average for U.S. nuclear power plants is a one in 74,000 chance.
Seismographs were installed at the reactors when they were built in 1978 and 1980, but were taken offline in the 1990s due to budget cuts.

Safety: The power plant was only built to withstand a magnitude 5.9 to 6.1 quake
Safety officials declared an ‘unusual event’, which is the second stage on the plant’s emergency scale.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission spokesman Roger Hannah said the agency was not immediately aware of any damage at the plants.
Teams are currently assessing any potential damage.
Nine other nuclear reactors in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia registered an ‘unusual event’, but North Anna was the only plant reported to be shut down.
In March, Dominion Power, which operates the power plant, said it was designed to withstand a magnitude 5.9 to 6.1 earthquake.

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